The Conneaut Lake-French Creek Valley Conservancy is formed in response to the proposed use of chemical herbicides to control weed growth in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania’s largest natural lake and an important outlet to French Creek.
“Walker’s Landing” becomes the first property acquired by the Conservancy for permanent stewardship and protection.
The inaugural First French Creek Clean-up event is conducted with support from The Nature Conservancy.
Allegheny College, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC) and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) create the French Creek Project (FCP) to raise public awareness, coordinate community conservation efforts, preserve habitat and maintain the stream’s biological diversity
The Conservancy serves as a sponsor and facilitator of a rails-to-trails pathway between Meadville and Conneaut Lake. Subsequently, a separate group was formed from within the conservancy’s leadership to support this project.
French Creek is designated by the Nature Conservancy as one of its “Last Great Places.”
The Moss Easement is granted to the Conservancy, the first landowner partnership in the French Creek watershed for the expressed purpose of procuring conservation easements as a means of permanent land protection.
The Conneaut Valley-French Creek Conservancy changes its name to the French Creek Valley Conservancy (FCVC), continuing its focus on permanent land protection efforts, and relegating other educational and outreach efforts to partners such as the French Creek Project, an organization dedicated to ecological awareness and specific conservation measures such as stream bank erosion control.
FCVC joined forces with long-time partners the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and The Nature Conservancy to form a two-year joint venture dedicated to enhancing research, mapping and real estate expertise and capabilities.
A Project Manager position was created to coordinate with the WPC and TNC to build landowner relationships and maximize land protection initiatives.
Annual French Creek Clean-ups are moved to the fall and bolstered by corporate sponsorship. Fundraising is added to the event’s agenda.
Outside financial resources are sought to sustain the FCVC Project Manager position.
Strategic planning includes input from the Pennsylvania Environmental Council (PEC) and Audubon Pennsylvania (AP), partners already committed to conservation measures in the watershed.
The French Creek Conservation Collaborative is formed, comprising WPC, TNC, PEC and AP. The collaborative endorses FCVC as the definitive local, citizen-based, watershed conservation organization.